As a Member of the Southern Baptist Convention, we affirm the beliefs set out in the Baptist Faith & Message 2000.
A copy of the Baptist Faith & Message 2000 is available HERE, or in print at the church office.
What We BelieVE
As a Member of the Southern Baptist Convention, we affirm the beliefs set out in the Baptist Faith & Message 2000.
A copy of the Baptist Faith & Message 2000 is available HERE, or in print at the church office.
The Importance of our Beliefs
The beliefs and convictions that we hold about life will shape the way that we live in this world. This true for everyone.
At Oakland Woods, our beliefs are rooted in the divinely inspired and inerrant scriptures that reveal the Good News of the redemptive work that the Loving God accomplished through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (see Luke 24:44-47), and is Graciously received by Faith for all who believe (see Eph 2:1-10).
For further discussion about the particulars of the Good News about Jesus, join us at church on Sunday, or contact the church office for an opportunity to meet with Pastor Benjamin.
A Brief Summary StatEMENt
"The Apostles Creed"
We believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.
We believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit
and born of the Virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended to death.
On the third day he rose again.
He ascended into heaven,
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
We believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy Church,
the communion of the saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.