Our Beliefs
What We Believe
We believe in God the Father, the Almighty creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of the virgin Mary.
We believe Jesus suffered under Pontius Pilate, and was crucified, died and buried in a borrowed tomb.
We believe on the third day, Jesus arose from the dead and was seen by many before ascending to heaven, where He now sits at the right hand of God the Father intercessing on our behalf.
We believe in the inerrancy of God’s inspired Word, and its teachings that only by trusting in Jesus' sacrifice, can forgiveness of sins be possible.
We believe the Holy Spirit is the third member of the Holy Trinity, and He now lives in the heart of every believer to guide their life in a manner that is pleasing to God.
We believe in the obedience of baptism which symbolizes a crucified, buried and risen Savior, and the resurrection of our body to the eternal life to come.